Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Ting: Mummy! Mummy!
Mummy: Yes, darling?
Ting: 太阳公公没有了!
Ting: 太阳公公关掉!OFF!OFF!
Mummy bursts into laughter: Ting, 太阳公公不是灯,不可以关掉的!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Hungry Hippo
Since Daddy is not in Singapore, Mummy filmed my dinner time to show him....
1st must greet Daddy.....
Mummy cooked very yummy food today.....since it was just the 2 of us, Mummy and I ate the same food. Carrot, broccoli and salmon "claypot" rice cooked with chicken stock (aka everything dump into rice cooker).... I especially liked the salmon cooked in chicken stock!!!Yummilicious!!
Towards the end, I felt that the rice was a bit too dry, so I asked for soup. Yummy my favourite chicken soup!
After finishing the soup, I decided to eat up my remaining rice, cannot waste such yummy food mah.... so I finished 1 whole bowl of soup and 1 bowl of rice, in about 30min!!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Exploring Nature
First stop : Hay's Goat Farm. See Mr Hay at the far right end telling us how the goats are reared just to provide milk. Actually this is not the first time I am on the farm ... have been here more than a year ago, but then I was still a baby and what caught my attention was not the goats but the spinning ceiling fan .... ha ha. At least today, I focused on the goats instead. Daddy and Mummy bought fresh goat's milk for themselves, but I can't drink because of allergies sob sob...
$5 for 30min to scoop the "longkang" fishes. At first Daddy thought it was very easy, but it turns out its not!! Cos the fishes swam so fast!!
Admiring and counting my fishes at home ....
Wow, colourful fishes !!!!
Errr .. how come some of the fishes are not moving at all ??? Sleeping ???
At the end of the day, one by one, the fishes died.... WAILS!!! Mummy's theory is that those we manage to catch are the ones which are very weak and sickly in the 1st place that's why they are slow and ended up being scooped by us... :(
Daddy I'll promise to be a very good girl while you are in US. Mummy and I will miss you. See you in 2 weeks time!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Daddy Got 'Jealous'
So he made me sing it to Mummy during dinner in the evening .... so to make Daddy and Mummy happy, I ended up singing both songs !!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Model for 姑姑
Monday, February 16, 2009
Actually, I really am a good gal nowadays ....
When Daddy and Mummy told me not to cry, I really stop crying .....
When I want Mummy to carry me but Mummy is tired, Daddy will tell me patiently that Mummy cannot carry me and wants me to sayang her, I will just sayang Mummy .....
When it is time to take my medicine when I am sick, or cod liver oil, I will take it without crying ....
Daddy and Mummy are so proud of me !!!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
New Hair-do
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Candid Pictures
Sesame street themed ride .... stationary though cos Daddy was too stingy to pay $1 for less than 1 minute ride
Enjoying the crispy crackers from the yusheng ... that is the only one that I can eat.
Eating my favourite banana again !!! Yummy !!!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
I Love Jigsaw Puzzles !!!
Garden Puzzle ..... 6 pieces .... done in less than 1 minute .... no challenge !!! Ha ha
Fruit Puzzle ... 9 pieces .... done in 1.5 mins ....
Zoo Puzzle ... 12 pieces .... done in 3 mins with some distraction
Pooh Bear puzzle ... 20 pieces !!! Done in over 2 mins .... moving on to the bigger puzzles ...
Free dengue awareness puzzle from NEA. ....... 48 pcs .....Errr ... a little too ambitious .....
Friday, February 6, 2009
CNY Celebration in School 2009
Everyone sitting patiently while waiting for the food.
My teachers - Ms Kristy (left) and 宋老师 preparing the steamboat....
While waiting for the food to cook, we sang a CNY song.... it goes something like this: 新年到,穿新衣,快快乐乐过新年。。。
Every kid had a chance to have a go at the steamboat !!! First time doing it myself ..... I was so worried about my food that I had to steal a peep at it even though Mummy asked me to look at the camera .... must make sure my food dun drop out mah!
Had a hearty lunch.... then its time for Mummy to go back to work.... I said bye bye, but later when I couldn't find her, I cried. Guess its not routine for Mummy to come during lunch so I thought she was going to bring me home leh....
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Toilet Training
Then back in the classroom, I wetted my pants and then I told the teachers "我要小便" !!! Poor teachers, have to clean up my mess .... I even pooed in my pants and the teachers have to wash my pants in school, before bringing home for another thorough wash.
Then Daddy and Mummy tried the same training when they brought me home in the evening and during weekends ... they bought the kiddy toilet seat and fix it over the adult toilet seat .... the record breaker ... I wetted myself 3 times within 1.5 hrs !!! And imagine the mess that Daddy and Mummy had to deal with ....
After a month or so, it got better .... I stopped wetting myself in school. Managed to pee in the toilet bowl .... even managed to poo sometimes in the toilet !!!! Hooray !!! At home, the same thing, kind of conditioned now. Everytime I was brought to the toilet, I always managed to pee, even just a little.
I now declare I am toilet trained (hopefully, no more accidents) !!!! But when we go out, Daddy and Mummy still let me wear diapers since hard to find those kiddy toilet seats .... I just cannot pee sitting on the adult toilet seat .... scared to drop into the bowl ... ha ha.
Daddy and Mummy are happy ....
1. No more occasional red heat rashes around my buttock area due to diapers
2. Save $$$$$ - most important for Daddy !!!!